Gromala walking through a VR simulation I think what Diane Gromala had to say about using biofeedback and virtual reality as a way to combat chronic pain was absolutely fascinating. I have looked into biofeedback myself and although I have never received this treatment I remember being very interested in the process. There are biofeedback specialists in Seattle that work with people who are unable to stop registering pain signals from an area of the body, even if that area is not hurt. This can often come as a result of preexisting injury or illness.The doctors attach sensors to the patient to track indicators of stress and pain through brain waves, heart function, breathing, muscle activity, and skin temperature. The sensors are then hooked up to screens so the patients can see how their body is reacting to stimuli or thought. The doctors have their patients look at their individual data and use visual cues to coach the patient into a state of reduced stress and use it to retr...